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jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013

Opinion: PS4

If you now, yesterday was the meeting of sony and they officially announced their new console, so here is my opinion:

Sony"s new console have been announced yesterday and i get very excited when i heard it, because I'm a big fan of playstation and I been anticipating the new Sony console for a while and now we have it.

The meeting was very good and also interesting. They show the PS4 controller and the desing of the controller is very attractive, got a small touch panel and PS4 controller is the first one which dont have START and SELECT buttons, instead of these are OPTIONS and SHARE buttons.
They also showed some games, one of them was Killzone: Shadow Fall that for me looks awesome, the graphics looks amazing and the playability also looks good. Another one was inFAMOUS: Second Son that looks good and other one that for me will be a game that will destroy any other game that comes out, called Watch Dogs looks amazing in graphics and the playability is very good. There were only a problem in the meeting, THEY NO SHOW THE CONSOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, they got the controller, they the games but they dont have THE CONSOLE.

Conclusion: I think the PS4 is good but i need more information and also see the console before buying it

So what do you think about the PS4 guys, leave a comment.


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