
-Reviews on saturdays! (Sometimes)
-Retro-Review on saturdays!
-First impressions on Tuesdays!
-Opinions on Thursdays!
-Top tens whenever we feel like it!

sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012

Hey Guys...

Hello everyone, Peabody"s here to bring you an update of what has been going on, for a while we have been working very hard on this blog to bring you as many news, reviews and facts as possible and as you may have seen, last week our work has been very weak, well we took this week to relax as much as possible and i think we are going to be working again at 100% next week.

 but there is also some sad news, after the Fact of the day #50 (Which is going to be very special by the way) the facts of the day are going to dissapear for a while, we will still bring you some facts in saturdays or sundays but things are getting a bit more complicated as Dead-Pool is leaving for all January and he will not be able to upload anything for a month, 
but since he is not going to be here im going to do something very special for you guys to apologize for the lack of work, i will announce this in christmas..., just a little clue...

"Live and Learn"

Sorry again and hoping you can forgive us.


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